Sunday, June 24, 2012

Moving into 2012 Technology

Greg had suggested a while back that maybe I should get a tablet in order to keep up with the "times".  I had mixed feelings at the time because I can't stand it when Greg is constantly on his phone in the car or while we're out at dinner or when I am in meetings at work and people have out their cell phone checking email or on the internet when they should have their full attention on what is being said.  It is one of my biggest pet peeves, and a really bad habit of others in my opinion. 

Society has become so dependent on technology, and it does make day to day activities easier, but personalities and the ability to have a simple conversation with a person suffer.  However, I do believe that I need to continue to evolve with the times and learn to use a tablet or I will end up like my mother, who we had to teach how to use the remote to the TV at the age of 8.

So, I've convinced myself that a tablet would be nice to be even more mobile than a laptop, be able to create my beloved lists again, take it to the grocery store, see recipes for cooking, read more, and find other fun apps that I would find useful.  Greg also said he would be interested in one for himself to be more mobile for his work.

We went to Best Buy and came home with 2 tablets.  Greg got an Asus tablet with a 10.1" screen and I got a smaller 7" Samsung tablet.  Greg has set up his tablet to work with the program that he uses at work for his projects, and I slowly find more apps that I find interesting.  Greg went back and purchased a keyboard that he can use with his tablet, and I love a case that I bought that props mine up for better viewing.

It's been about 4 weeks now with our tablets, and I do fall in love with it more and more.  The grocery list app organizes it perfectly for my route through the grocery store, and then as I check off the items, it gets rid of them so I know that I got everything on my list.  Brilliant!  I also check Facebook and Groupon more often to keep in touch with friends and not miss a good deal.  This morning, I bought my first book to read on the Kindle app, "The Introvert & Extrovert in Love", but more on that book in another post.

Anyway, if you have ever thought about getting a tablet, go for it!  They're useful, fun and my smaller sized one is super mobile.  I do still feel like there is a certain time to use it and other times when it should be put away, but I have trouble convincing Greg of this.

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