Saturday, June 2, 2012

Day 2: Frisbee Golfing in Orlando

It rained off and on for 3 days on our trip, so we planned our days accordingly with outside activities while it wasn’t raining, and then shopping pretty much when it was raining.  Yes, we went shopping 3 different times on our trip to the same outlet stores at 3 different locations, and Greg was the big spender as usual.  One of the activities that I looked up before we left was a Bill Frederick Park at Turkey Lake with 2 frisbee golf courses. 
I thought it would be pretty cool playing around a lake.  Frisbee golf is something we got into when I was an intern my first summer in Kansas City because some coworkers played and there was a course by my first apartment.  I bought Greg and I a starter set around $30 for 3 discs for an anniversary present, and those 3 discs are still Greg’s favorites to play with. 
Greg is really good at Frisbee golf, and I feel bad going with him sometimes because he has to stop numerous times for me to throw my disc further up the course before he even gets to where his first disc throw dropped.  After a few bad holes, Greg suggested that I learn how to throw the disc with my forehand because he thinks it would be easier for me.  I told Greg that I didn't want to learn something new, if I couldn’t master what I was doing at the time.  A couple more bad throws went by for me, and then I gave in.  Greg instructed me to hold the disc with my two fingers supporting the underneath, and then to throw it level by snapping my wrist…  And, there it was, the most, fantastic, furthest throw I had ever had in my life!  Greg was right…AGAIN.  I continued throwing it like that, and I kept up with Greg for the rest of the course.

I thought playing Frisbee golf in Orlando would be similar to playing in Kansas, but the views were just incredible, especially around the lake as you can see from the pictures.  And, did I mention it have live gators in it?!?
We went again on Wednesday and played the second course.  It rained a bunch the night before, so it was really muggy.  This course was more surrounded by trees, and that made it difficult to play.  Greg decided he would take action shots of me when I threw the disc.  After laughing pretty hard at some of the pictures, I decided that I had to get some of him as well.  We’re pretty critical of ourselves, but all in all, they are pretty funny, and I hope you get a laugh out of them as well.
Yes I look like I'm flying away in my follow through
And Greg looks like he's sprinting on his follow through
On this hole, the discs had to be thrown over the lake.  We played from the tee to totally dodge the lake. 
We're not that good.

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