Sunday, June 24, 2012

Welcome to Our Painted Dreams!

We started this blog to connect with those who we don't see all the time or wait too long to pick up the phone and call, but the blog to this point has mainly been about our house projects.  But as you can see from the lack of posts, we have settled down a bit on the projects and have enjoyed our lives and the busyness of this summer. 

I began to think about where I really wanted to go with this blog and what the message would be.  The title of The Miller Family just wasn't cutting it, and the title and URL having our name in it was a little too personal for me.  I began to think about my life to this point and how it all started from a dream - to grow up, go to school and get a job, find a husband, buy a house, have some pets, maybe children one day, and live happily ever after.  If it could only be that simple, right?  I've accomplished 5 of those dreams, I'm still growing up and changing constantly, the potential of children look good for the future, and my life overall is pretty happy, although I can't help but feel like something is missing.

I think so many of us go through the hustle and bustle of our busy lives and don't stop to think about where we are really going or what we're working towards or if there should be something that we're working towards.  So, here's to slowing down and focusing on what really matters - my personal happiness, my relationship with Greg, enriching our lives together, and creating a happy environment that we can call our home.

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